How would you rate the performance of Patrick Harvie, the leader of the Scottish Greens, in relation to the recent Scottish budget process? (Five response options)

Fieldwork dates: 29 January 2009 - 30 January 2009
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: How would you rate the performance of Patrick Harvie, the leader of the Scottish Greens, in relation to the recent Scottish budget process? (Five response options)
Fieldwork end date
30 January 2009
Poll by YouGov
Very good 3%
Good 15%
Average 27%
Poor 28%
Very poor 27%

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Full question wording

The Scottish budget bill was defeated this week after Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the Greens voted against it. How would you rate the performance of each of the Scottish party leaders in relation to the recent budget process? Patrick Harvie, the Scottish Green leader.

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