Would you support income tax being raised by a penny for people in Scotland, while staying the same in the rest of the UK – if the extra tax receipts were invested in services or to reverse austerity cuts?

Fieldwork dates: 6 May 2016 - 10 May 2016
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Would you support income tax being raised by a penny for people in Scotland, while staying the same in the rest of the UK – if the extra tax receipts were invested in services or to reverse austerity cuts?
Fieldwork end date
10 May 2016
Poll by ICM
Strongly support 16%
Slightly support 26%
Neither 16%
Slightly oppose 14%
Strongly oppose 27%

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Full question wording

Would you support the rate of income tax being raised by a penny for people earning between £ 11,001 and £ 43,000 in Scotland, while remaining at 20p in the Pound in the rest of the UK - if the extra tax receipts were invested in services such as schools, or to reverse austerity cuts?

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