Do you think decisions around lockdown measures should happen at the same time for the whole of the UK even if some areas are at different levels than others at reducing the spread of the virus or do you think that lockdown rules should be different in areas depending on the spread of the virus?

Fieldwork dates: 12 October 2020 - 27 January 2021
Data from: England
Results from: 2 polls

Results for: Do you think decisions around lockdown measures should happen at the same time for the whole of the UK even if some areas are at different levels than others at reducing the spread of the virus or do you think that lockdown rules should be different in areas depending on the spread of the virus?
Fieldwork end date
27 January 2021
Poll by YouGov
13 October 2020
Poll by YouGov
Decisions around lockdown measures should happen at the same time for the whole of the UK even if some areas are at different levels than others at reducing the spread of the virus 70% 32%
If some areas are at different levels than others at reducing the spread of the virus then lockdown rules should be different in these areas 30% 68%

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Full question wording

Thinking about decisions around lockdown measures, which of the following comes closest
to your view? Decisions around lockdown measures should happen at the same time for the whole of the UK even if some areas are at different levels than others at reducing the spread of the virus or if some areas are at different levels than others at reducing the spread of the virus then lockdown rules should be different in these areas.

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