Do you think policies on nurseries and child care should be the same across the whole of England or should be a matter for each local authority to decide itself? (English views)

Fieldwork dates: 23 November 2012 - 22 April 2014
Data from: England
Results from: 2 polls

Results for: Do you think policies on nurseries and child care should be the same across the whole of England or should be a matter for each local authority to decide itself? (English views)
Fieldwork end date
22 April 2014
Poll by YouGov
28 November 2012
Poll by YouGov
Should be the same across England 70% 75%
Should be a matter for each local authority to decide 30% 25%

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Full question wording

Below there is a list of policies. Please indicate whether you think each of the following policies should be the same across the whole of England or should be a matter for each local authority to decide itself? (Please tick one option per row) Nurseries and child care

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