If independence does happen do you think freedom of movement with no passport controls between England and Scotland should continue? (Rest of UK views)

Fieldwork dates: 13 December 2013 - 20 December 2013
Data from: United Kingdom
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: If independence does happen do you think freedom of movement with no passport controls between England and Scotland should continue? (Rest of UK views)
Fieldwork end date
20 December 2013
Poll by Norstat
Yes, definitely 56%
Yes, I think so 20%
Not sure 12%
No, I don't think so 8%
Definitely not 4%

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Full question wording

A Common Travel Area has existed since the 1920s which provides for freedom of movement throughout the area for citizens of the UK, Republic of Ireland, Channel Islands and Isle of Man. Putting aside your own views on whether or not Scotland should become an independent country, if independence does happen do you think that there should continue to be freedom of movement with no passport controls between England and Scotland? (Rest of UK views)

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