If the SNP do not win a majority in the upcoming Scottish Parliament elections but a majority of the candidates elected support holding a referendum, do you think there should be a referendum on Scottish Independence in the next two years, two to five years’, at some point in the future, but not in the next five years or never?

Fieldwork dates: 28 April 2021 - 30 April 2021
Data from: United Kingdom
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: If the SNP do not win a majority in the upcoming Scottish Parliament elections but a majority of the candidates elected support holding a referendum, do you think there should be a referendum on Scottish Independence in the next two years, two to five years’, at some point in the future, but not in the next five years or never?
Fieldwork end date
30 April 2021
Poll by Opinium
There should be a referendum on Scottish Independence in the next two years 27%
There should be a referendum on Scottish Independence, but it should be in two to five years’ time 22%
There should be a referendum on Scottish Independence at some point in the future, but not in the next five years 12%
There should not be a referendum on Scottish Independence 39%

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Full question wording

Please imagine the SNP do not win a majority alone in the upcoming Scottish Parliament elections, but a majority of the candidates elected support holding a referendum on Scottish Independence. On the question of Scottish Independence, which of the following do you think should happen?

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