Regardless of whether Scotland becomes independent, how would you prefer England to be governed? (English views)

Fieldwork dates: 23 January 2014 - 24 January 2014
Data from: England
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Regardless of whether Scotland becomes independent, how would you prefer England to be governed? (English views)
Fieldwork end date
24 January 2014
Poll by YouGov
For England to be governed with laws made by English MPs in the UK Parliament 40%
For England to be governed as it is now with laws made by all MPs in the UK Parliament 35%
For England as a whole to have its own new parliament with law-making powers 21%
None of these 5%

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Full question wording

Regardless of whether or not Scotland votes to remain a part of the UK, which, if any, of the following would you prefer? (English views)

See About these data for possible variations