Thinking specifically about your OWN REGION, do you think Scotland becoming independent would have a positive or negative impact? (English & Welsh views)

Fieldwork dates: 6 January 2014 - 9 January 2014
Data from: England & Wales
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Thinking specifically about your OWN REGION, do you think Scotland becoming independent would have a positive or negative impact? (English & Welsh views)
Fieldwork end date
9 January 2014
Poll by YouGov
Scotland becoming independent would have a positive impact on my region 8%
Scotland becoming independent would have a negative impact on my region 12%
Scotland becoming independent would have both positive and negative impacts on my region 8%
Scotland becoming independent would not make much difference to my region 71%

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Full question wording

Thinking specifically about your OWN REGION, do you think Scotland becoming independent would have a positive or negative impact?

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