Do you believe that campaigners for Independence have given enough information about what Scotland would be like if it became Independent for you to make a fully informed choice at a future referendum?

Fieldwork dates: 7 May 2021 - 8 May 2021
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Do you believe that campaigners for Independence have given enough information about what Scotland would be like if it became Independent for you to make a fully informed choice at a future referendum?
Fieldwork end date
8 May 2021
Poll by Stack Data
Yes - we know enough about Independence to make a fully informed decision in a second referendum 34%
No - we don't know enough about the details of Independence to make a fully informed choice in a second referendum 66%

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Full question wording

Do you believe that campaigners for Independence have given enough information about what Scotland would be like if it became Independent (e.g. on currency, taxation, legal rights, EU membership, the border) for you to make a fully informed choice at a future referendum?

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