Do you think Scotland will be financially better or worse off as a result of the UK leaving the EU, or will it be much the same?

Fieldwork dates: 19 January 2021 - 17 August 2022
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 3 polls

Results for: Do you think Scotland will be financially better or worse off as a result of the UK leaving the EU, or will it be much the same?
Fieldwork end date
17 August 2022
Poll by Norstat
4 February 2022
Poll by Norstat
22 January 2021
Poll by Norstat
Better off 23% 26% 25%
Worse off 54% 50% 50%
It will make no difference 22% 24% 25%

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Full question wording

Do you think Scotland will be financially better or worse off as a result of the UK leaving the EU, or will it be much the same?

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