Do you think the recent shortages of goods and petrol strengthen or weaken the case for Scotland to become an independent country and to then seek to restore freedom of movement with the countries of the European Union?

Fieldwork dates: 20 October 2021 - 26 October 2021
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Do you think the recent shortages of goods and petrol strengthen or weaken the case for Scotland to become an independent country and to then seek to restore freedom of movement with the countries of the European Union?
Fieldwork end date
26 October 2021
Poll by Norstat
Strengthen the case: 39%
Make no difference 36%
Weaken the case 25%

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Full question wording

Do you think the recent shortages of goods and petrol strengthen or weaken the case for Scotland to become an independent country and to then seek to restore freedom of movement with the countries of the European Union?

See About these data for possible variations


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