Do you think the SNP have been treated fairly or unfairly by the police during the investigation into the party’s finances?

Fieldwork dates: 9 June 2023 - 14 June 2023
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Do you think the SNP have been treated fairly or unfairly by the police during the investigation into the party’s finances?
Fieldwork end date
14 June 2023
Poll by Savanta
Very fairly 34%
Somewhat fairly 23%
Neither fairly nor unfairly 24%
Somewhat unfairly 12%
Very unfairly 7%

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The SNP's former chief executive, Peter Murrell, and ex-treasurer Colin Beattie were arrested as part of a police investigation into the party's finances. Both were released without charge pending further investigation. Some say the investigation by the police has been 'proportionate and necessary', but others have branded it a 'grotesque circus'. To what extent do you think the SNP have been treated fairly or unfairly by the police during the investigation into the party's finances?

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