Do you think your personal finances will be better, the same or worse in an independent Scotland?

Fieldwork dates: 26 January 2012 - 22 July 2014
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 3 polls

Results for: Do you think your personal finances will be better, the same or worse in an independent Scotland?
Fieldwork end date
22 July 2014
Poll by Norstat
20 November 2013
Poll by Norstat
1 February 2012
Poll by Norstat
I would be at least £500 better off per year in independent 19% 20% 18%
I would be at least £500 worse off per year in independent 37% 35% 27%
An independent Scotland would make little difference to my financial circumstances 44% 45% 55%

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Full question wording

In terms of your personal circumstances which of these statements most closely reflects your view?

See About these data for possible variations