Generally, do you prefer the approach that has been taken to the coronavirus crisis in Scotland or the approach that has been taken in England?

Fieldwork dates: 6 November 2020 - 10 November 2020
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Generally, do you prefer the approach that has been taken to the coronavirus crisis in Scotland or the approach that has been taken in England?
Fieldwork end date
10 November 2020
Poll by YouGov
The approach taken in Scotland 74%
The approach taken in England 9%
Neither 17%

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Full question wording

Since the start of the coronavirus crisis, Scotland and England have differed in their approach to tackling the crisis and implementing lockdown rules. Thinking generally, do you prefer the approach that has been taken in Scotland or the approach that has been taken in Scotland or the approach that has been taken in England?

See About these data for possible variations


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