Given that the UK has voted to leave, which is your preference regarding Scotland’s relationship with the UK and the EU?

Fieldwork dates: 18 April 2017 - 7 June 2017
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 3 polls

Results for: Given that the UK has voted to leave, which is your preference regarding Scotland’s relationship with the UK and the EU?
Fieldwork end date
7 June 2017
Poll by Norstat
31 May 2017
Poll by Norstat
21 April 2017
Poll by Norstat
An independent Scotland inside the EU 44% 44% 41%
An independent Scotland outside the EU 9% 9% 10%
Scotland inside the UK but outside the EU 47% 47% 49%

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Full question wording

Which of the following options is your preference, given that the UK has voted to leave the EU?

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