How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with Alex Salmond, SNP leader?

Fieldwork dates: 24 March 2011 - 1 February 2012
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 2 polls

Results for: How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with Alex Salmond, SNP leader?
Fieldwork end date
1 February 2012
Poll by Norstat
29 March 2011
Poll by Norstat
Very satisfied 22% 13%
Quite satisfied 26% 36%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 24% 22%
Quite dissatisfied 13% 14%
Very dissatisfied 16% 14%

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Poll details

Full question wording

In terms of Britain's political leaders please state how satisfied you are with the job the following are doing: ...Alex Salmond, SNP leader

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