If a second referendum was called and the UK government had ruled out ‘No Deal’, which of the following options would you vote for?

Fieldwork dates: 8 January 2019 - 10 January 2019
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: If a second referendum was called and the UK government had ruled out ‘No Deal’, which of the following options would you vote for?
Fieldwork end date
10 January 2019
Poll by Populus
Remain in the EU 69%
Leave the EU on the terms of Theresa May's deal 22%
I wouldn't vote/would spoil my vote 9%

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Poll details

Full question wording

If a 2nd EU Referendum (a so-called People's Vote) was called, with the UK Government/Parliament ruling out ‘No Deal' - with the following two options on the ballot - which way would you vote?

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