If an independent Scotland could not join a ‘currency union’ with the rest of the UK, what currency would be your preferred option?

Fieldwork dates: 17 February 2014 - 7 August 2014
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 2 polls

Results for: If an independent Scotland could not join a ‘currency union’ with the rest of the UK, what currency would be your preferred option?
Fieldwork end date
7 August 2014
Poll by Survation
18 February 2014
Poll by Survation
Using the pound with no currency union and no Scottish control over monetary policy 25% 27%
A separate Scottish currency with a fixed exchange rate with the British pound 33% 35%
A separate Scottish currency with a flexible exchange rate 28% 24%
The euro 15% 14%

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Full question wording

Regardless of how you intend to vote in the referendum, if an independent Scotland could not join a 'currency union' with the rest of the UK, which of these would be your preferred option for the currency of an independent Scotland?

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