If the referendum had two ballot papers, would you vote for devo max, independence, both or neither?

Fieldwork dates: 12 January 2012 - 15 January 2012
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: If the referendum had two ballot papers, would you vote for devo max, independence, both or neither?
Fieldwork end date
15 January 2012
Poll by YouGov
Agree to both 30%
Agree to further powers only 28%
Agree to independence only 10%
Disagree to both 33%
Don't know 0%
Refused 0%

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Full question wording

If the referendum had two ballot papers, the first on further devolution and the second on independence for Scotland, the following pages will show how these may look. If there was a referendum tomorrow, how would you vote on these ballot papers?

See About these data for possible variations