In the regional vote did you vote for the party you most wanted to win, vote tactically to stop the party you least like from winning, vote to elect as many pro-independence MSPs or vote to elect as many pro-union MSPs as possible?

Fieldwork dates: 7 May 2021 - 8 May 2021
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: In the regional vote did you vote for the party you most wanted to win, vote tactically to stop the party you least like from winning, vote to elect as many pro-independence MSPs or vote to elect as many pro-union MSPs as possible?
Fieldwork end date
8 May 2021
Poll by Stack Data
I voted for the party I wanted most to win seats 52%
I voted tactically to stop the party I like least from winning 13%
I voted to elect as many pro-independence MSPs as possible 16%
I voted to elect as many pro-union MSPs as possible 18%

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Poll details

Full question wording

Which of the following was most important in your voting decision at this election for your peach regional list vote?

See About these data for possible variations