Should the SNP treat the next UK general election as a ‘de facto’ referendum, the next Scottish Parliament election, or neither?

Fieldwork dates: 31 January 2023 - 1 February 2023
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Should the SNP treat the next UK general election as a ‘de facto’ referendum, the next Scottish Parliament election, or neither?
Fieldwork end date
1 February 2023
Poll by Ipsos
The next UK general election 24%
The next Scottish Parliament election 18%
Neither 52%
Don't mind 7%

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Full question wording

The SNP are considering whether to treat the next UK General Election (likely to be held in 2024) or the next Scottish Parliament election (in 2026) as a ‘de facto’ referendum, campaigning on the single issue of independence. Which of these, if any, do you think is the best option for the SNP to pursue? The next UK general election/ The next Scottish Parliament election/ Neither

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