What do you think about the Labour Party’s proposals for further devolution? (Multiple answers possible)

Fieldwork dates: 28 March 2014 - 4 April 2014
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: What do you think about the Labour Party’s proposals for further devolution? (Multiple answers possible)
Fieldwork end date
4 April 2014
Poll by Norstat
The proposals have not changed my opinion on independence 25%
I do NOT believe the proposals would be implemented in the event of a No vote 18%
I think the proposals do NOT go far enough 15%
I fully or mostly understand the proposals 9%
I believe the proposals would be implemented in the event of a No vote 8%
I think the proposals go far enough 7%
The proposals make me more likely to vote Yes to independence 5%
I think the proposals are coherent and well- thought-out 5%
The proposals make me more likely to vote No to independence 5%
I have seen the document itself (a physical copy or online), rather than just hearing about it in the media 3%

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Poll details

Full question wording

At its recent conference the Labour Party announced its proposals, called “Powers for a Purpose”, to extend devolution (in the event of a No vote) if Labour wins the UK general election in 2015. Which of the following statements regarding the proposals would you personally agree with?

See About these data for possible variations