What would you most prefer regarding the balance of autonomy between the Scottish Government and the UK Government?

Fieldwork dates: 1 July 2023 - 2 July 2023
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: What would you most prefer regarding the balance of autonomy between the Scottish Government and the UK Government?
Fieldwork end date
2 July 2023
Poll by Redfield & Wilton
Scotland being an entirely independent country 38%
Scotland being part of the UK, with more autonomy than it has now 23%
Scotland being part of the UK, with the same amount of autonomy that it has now 15%
Scotland being part of the UK, with more integration with the rest of the country 23%

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Full question wording

Which would you most prefer regarding the balance between the Scottish Government and the UK Government?  
Scotland being an entirely independent country;
Scotland being part of the UK, with more autonomy than it has now;
Scotland being part of the UK, with the same amount of autonomy that it has now;
Scotland being part of the UK, with more integration with the rest of the country

See About these data for possible variations