Would you most prefer Scotland to become fully independent with a distant/closer relationship to the UK or Scotland remain in the UK with more devolved powers/the current devolution settlement?

Fieldwork dates: 5 September 2024 - 11 September 2024
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Would you most prefer Scotland to become fully independent with a distant/closer relationship to the UK or Scotland remain in the UK with more devolved powers/the current devolution settlement?
Fieldwork end date
11 September 2024
Poll by Opinium
Scotland becomes a fully independent country with a distant relationship to the UK 9%
Scotland becomes a fully independent country with a closer relationship to the UK 32%
Scotland remains within the UK and receives more devolved powers from the UK Government 26%
Scotland remains within the UK and with the current devolution settlement 24%
Other 3%
Don't know 7%

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Full question wording

What would be your most preferred relationship between Scotland and the rest of the United Kingdom? Scotland becomes a fully independent country with a distant/closer relationship to the UK/ Scotland remains within the UK and receives more devolved powers from the UK Government/ and with the current devolution settlement

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