Would you vote for an independent Scotland that stayed in the EU or for Scotland to stay in the UK and leave the EU

Fieldwork dates: 15 December 2017 - 20 December 2017
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Would you vote for an independent Scotland that stayed in the EU or for Scotland to stay in the UK and leave the EU
Fieldwork end date
20 December 2017
Poll by Norstat
I would vote for an independent Scotland in the EU 43%
I would vote for Scotland to stay in the UK and leave the EU 44%
I wouldn't vote, I don't like either of these options 12%

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Full question wording

The UK is currently scheduled to leave the EU in March of 2019. If a referendum on Scottish independence was held around this time, and if a Yes vote meant that Scotland would definitely stay in the EU when the UK left, which way do you think you would vote? I would vote for an independent Scotland to stay in the EU/I would vote for Scotland to stay in the UK and leave the EU

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