How confident are you that Humza Yousaf, the new First Minister, will improve the Scottish government’s performance?

Fieldwork dates: 28 March 2023 - 30 March 2023
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: How confident are you that Humza Yousaf, the new First Minister, will improve the Scottish government’s performance?
Fieldwork end date
30 March 2023
Poll by Panelbase
Very confident 4%
Fairly confident 15%
Neither confident nor unconfident 21%
Fairly unconfident 13%
Not at all confident 38%
Don't know 8%
Prefer not to say 0%

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Full question wording

How confident are you that Humza Yousaf, the new First Minister, will improve the Scottish government's performance?

See About these data for possible variations