How would this affect your vote in a referendum, if at all? "Scotland does not become an automatic member of the European Union."

Fieldwork dates: 11 January 2013 - 21 January 2013
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: How would this affect your vote in a referendum, if at all? "Scotland does not become an automatic member of the European Union."
Fieldwork end date
21 January 2013
Poll by Norstat
5 - Much more likely to vote for independence 21%
4 11%
3 30%
2 11%
1 - Much less likely to vote for independence 26%

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Full question wording

Assuming for a moment that each statement was accurate, what effect, if any, would that have on the way you would vote in the referendum? ...An independent Scotland would not automatically become a member of the European Union

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