If there was a “two-stage” referendum on Scottish independence, how would you vote on the second question asking whether you would prefer independence, or greater powers for the Scottish Parliament?

Fieldwork dates: 2 May 2021 - 22 November 2021
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 2 polls

Results for: If there was a “two-stage” referendum on Scottish independence, how would you vote on the second question asking whether you would prefer independence, or greater powers for the Scottish Parliament?
Fieldwork end date
22 November 2021
Poll by YouGov
4 May 2021
Poll by YouGov
Independence 39% 41%
Increased powers for the Scottish Parliament 44% 48%
Would not vote 18% 10%

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Full question wording

Some people have suggested there should be a "two-stage" referendum on Scottish independence, with the first question asking if people want change, and the second question asking whether they would prefer independence, or greater powers for the Scottish Parliament. Imagine there was such a referendum - how would you vote? If there is to be change which would you prefer?

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