In a scenario where Scotland could rejoin the European Union if it became an independent country how would you vote in a referendum which asked ‘Should Scotland be an independent country’?

Fieldwork dates: 11 March 2021 - 22 April 2021
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 2 polls

Results for: In a scenario where Scotland could rejoin the European Union if it became an independent country how would you vote in a referendum which asked ‘Should Scotland be an independent country’?
Fieldwork end date
22 April 2021
Poll by Survation
18 March 2021
Poll by Survation
Yes 51% 53%
No 49% 47%

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Full question wording

Please imagine a scenario where Scotland could rejoin the European Union if it became an independent country. If a referendum was then held in Scotland about becoming an independent country and this was the question, how would you vote? Should Scotland be an independent country?

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