Thinking about Scotland holding another independence referendum, which of the following statements, if any, best reflects your view?

Fieldwork dates: 20 July 2016 - 25 July 2016
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Thinking about Scotland holding another independence referendum, which of the following statements, if any, best reflects your view?
Fieldwork end date
25 July 2016
Poll by YouGov
Another independence referendum as soon as possible 17%
Scotland should decide whether to have a referendum after the UK's deal with the UK is clear 35%
An independence referendum until at least 2030, a generation from 2014 27%
Scotland should never have another independence referendum 18%
None of the above 2%

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Thinking about Scotland holding another independence referendum, which of the following statements, if any, best reflects your view?

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