What risk do you think there is that if Scotland stays in the UK then I or my family would personally be financially worse off?

Fieldwork dates: 10 September 2014 - 14 September 2014
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: What risk do you think there is that if Scotland stays in the UK then I or my family would personally be financially worse off?
Fieldwork end date
14 September 2014
Poll by Norstat
1 - Very unlikely to happen 23%
2 17%
3 29%
4 13%
5 - Very likely to happen 18%

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Full question wording

What do you think are the greatest risks in Scotland remaining part of the United Kingdom? Please answer for each statement below where 1 means it is very unlikely to happen and 5 means it is very likely to happen ... I/my family would personally be financially worse off

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