What was the most important reason for you to vote No in the referendum? (Asked only of No voters)

Fieldwork dates: 18 September 2014 - 19 September 2014
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: What was the most important reason for you to vote No in the referendum? (Asked only of No voters)
Fieldwork end date
19 September 2014
Poll by Lord Ashcroft Polls
Risks look too great (eg currency, EU, economy) 47%
Strong attachment to UK, shared history/ culture 27%
No vote would still mean extra power to Scottish Parliament so best of both worlds 25%

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Full question wording

I am going to read out three reasons people have given for voting NO. Please can you rank them in order of how important they were in your decision, from first to third, even if there were other reasons that were important to you?

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