Who should be in charge of decisions regarding the referendum process?

Fieldwork dates: 12 January 2012 - 15 January 2012
Data from: Scotland
Results from: 1 poll

Results for: Who should be in charge of decisions regarding the referendum process?
Fieldwork end date
15 January 2012
Poll by YouGov
The Scottish government should make these decisions 44%
The UK government should make these decisions 12%
They should negotiate the decisions together 39%
Don't know 5%
Refused 0%

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Full question wording

The Scottish government has said it will hold a referendum on the future constitutional position of Scotland. There are still a number of decisions to make regarding the referendum, such as exactly when it is held, what is included on the ballot paper and who should be eligible to vote in it. Who do you think should make these decision, the Scottish government at Holyrood or the UK government at Westminster?

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