Does the Future of Gaelic Lie in Young People’s Hands?

28th December 2022 Comment National identity and cultural issues

Scotland is currently preparing to enjoy Hogmanay, one of the distinctive highlights of the country’s cultural and social calendar. We thought we would mark the occasion by reprising a piece of ScotCen research unveiled during the year that looked at attitudes towards another distinctive feature of Scottish life and culture – the Gaelic language. The […]

Interactive Scottish Social Attitudes 2013 data now online

22nd January 2014 Comment

If you have been reading the news coverage and blogs on the 2013 Scottish Social Attitudes (SSA) survey you may have further questions about the findings. Like what do the undecided voters think about key issues? Or does the gender gap in support for independence apply to all aspects of the debate? Well to coincide […]

New interactive feature for exploring the Scottish Social Attitudes survey

8th October 2013 Comment

We are pleased to announce the release today of a major new feature on the What Scotland Thinks website. Regular users will be aware that since its initial launch in June the site has provided access to a comprehensive collection of data from polls and surveys on people’s attitudes towards Scotland’s constitutional future.  Since then […]