Evidence and Confusion: More on Recent Scottish Polling

3rd November 2014 Comment Elections, parties & leaders Expectations of constitutional change How Scotland should be governed The Scottish independence referendum

A further tranche of results from YouGov’s poll for The Times was released on Saturday, while additional findings from Ipsos MORI’s poll for STV are also now available. Between them they contain a few points that are worth noting – on independence, more devolution, further referendums and the party battle. Independence Saturday’s Times greeted us […]

So What Should Be Done About The Vow? Public Opinion and More Devolution

30th September 2014 Comment Expectations of constitutional change How Scotland should be governed

When the Edinburgh Agreement was signed in October 2012, the UK government declared that it would ensure that the independence referendum would be ‘legal, fair and decisive’. Although some supporters of the Yes camp may be doubtful that the referendum was entirely fair (pointing not least to what they perceive to be some biased media […]