Welcome to the Relaunched Site!

7th January 2020 Comment Site News

As you might already have noticed (and we foreshadowed last month) over the New Year we have launched a redesigned version of the whatscotlandthinks website. The site was originally launched in June 2013 in advance of the Scottish independence referendum. Ever since then it has endeavoured to provide a comprehensive database of polling data on […]

We’re upgrading!

18th December 2019 Comment Site News

Since it was established in the run-up to the 2014 Scottish independence referendum, the function of WhatScotlandThinks has been to provide all those who visit it with impartial, up-to-date information on public attitudes towards how Scotland and the constituent parts of the UK are, and should be, governed. In order to maintain our commitment to […]

Our Future Focus: Brexit, Indyref2 and All That

1st November 2016 Comment Site News

Long-term users of this site will be aware that it was originally created in advance of the referendum on Scottish independence that was held in September 2014. Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) as part of its initiative on The Future of the UK and Scotland, the site was part of that […]

What Scotland Thinks remastered

18th August 2015 Comment Site News

Over the next few weeks we will be re-aligning the much loved What Scotland Thinks website. Ever popular during the Scottish independence referendum, we’re developing the remit of the site to bring the content up to date and also include matters that concern the rest of the UK. Constitutional change debate Irrespective of anyone’s views […]

Seminar: Can Scotland and England Rub Along?

4th June 2014 Comment Site News

Irrespective of whether Scotland votes Yes or No in the referendum on three months time, its future will depend in part on how it gets along with its near neighbour, England. The SNP’s vision for an independent Scotland envisages various forms of collaboration with the rest of the UK that may or may not be […]

New Filter to Help You Interpret the Referendum Polls

23rd April 2014 Comment Site News

It will come as no surprise to regular users of this site to hear that the most visited page is the referendum voting intention time series. This graph presents the results from all polls that have asked the question that will appear on this September’s ballot paper: ‘Should Scotland be an independent country?’ One strength […]

Seminar in April: Who Will Turn Up – and Who Will Stay At Home?

17th March 2014 Comment Site News

This seminar is the latest in an occasional series of ScotCen/Institute of Governance morning briefings on public attitudes towards Scotland’s constitutional future. Each briefing focuses on public attitudes towards one of the key aspects of the referendum debate, bringing together the evidence of the Scottish Social Attitudes surveys and of commercial opinion polls. They are […]

New Feature for Combining Response Options

13th March 2014 Comment Site News

The eagle eyed among you may have noticed a new feature appear recently on WhatScotlandThinks.org. If you go to any page with a graph or table and scroll down a little, there is now a button called ‘Edit Responses’. Click on this and you will see that it allows you to combine the response categories […]