Are Voters Up for Yet More Debate about Constitutional Change?

18th March 2015 Comment How Scotland should be governed

It has become a common assertion that, while people might have been very involved in the debate about the independence referendum, they probably do not want to continue talking further about questions of devolution and UK governance. In particular people outside Scotland surely must be fed up with the continued preoccupation with such questions? However, […]

Who is still wavering? Turnout and the undecided

12th August 2014 Comment The Scottish independence referendum

We use the Scottish Social Attitudes survey (SSA) 2014 to look here at likely turnout in the referendum, and also at who the undecideds are. The level of turnout looks likely to be high. The survey measured respondents’ likelihood of voting on a 10-point scale, with 10 meaning ‘very likely to vote’. Nearly three quarters […]

Do we need to take the undecideds seriously?

23rd January 2014 Comment The Scottish independence referendum

In the 2013 Scottish Social Attitudes (SSA) survey respondents were asked how they would vote in the referendum as follows: In the referendum, you will be asked, ‘Should Scotland be an independent country?’ If you do vote, will you vote ‘Yes’ or vote ‘No’ – or haven’t you decided yet? Asked in this about how […]