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Full question: Alex Salmond and members of the Scottish Executive have blamed the UK Government for not providing the Scottish Executive with enough money to fund its spending plans. However, the Executive has the power to raise more money itself by varying the basic rate of income tax in Scotland by up to 3p in the pound. Do you think the Executive should…

All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll:

Full question: Alex Salmond and members of the Scottish Executive have blamed the UK Government for not providing the Scottish Executive with enough money to fund its spending plans. However, the Executive has the power to raise more money itself by varying the basic rate of income tax in Scotland by up to 3p in the pound. Do you think the Executive should…

All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll:

Full question: Alex Salmond and members of the Scottish Executive have blamed the UK Government for not providing the Scottish Executive with enough money to fund its spending plans. However, the Executive has the power to raise more money itself by varying the basic rate of income tax in Scotland by up to 3p in the pound. Do you think the Executive should…

All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll: