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Information about the polls on this graph

Full question: Using a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is ‘I don’t feel I have any information at all’ and 10 is ‘I have all the information I need’, please can you tell me how much information you currently have to help you make a decision about how to vote in the referendum?

All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll:

Full question: Using a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is ‘I don’t feel I have any information at all’ and 10 is ‘I have all the information I need’, please can you tell me how much information you currently have to help you make a decision about how to vote in the referendum?

All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll:

Full question: Using a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is ‘I don’t feel I have any information at all’ and 10 is ‘I have all the information I need’, please can you tell me how much information you currently have to help you make a decision about how to vote in the referendum?

All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll:

Full question: Using a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is ‘I don’t feel I have any information at all’ and 10 is ‘I have all the information I need’, please can you tell me how much information you currently have to help you make a decision about how to vote in the referendum?

All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll: