What Scotland Thinks events

25th September 2013 Comment Site News

We are currently running a series of events titled ‘What Scotland Thinks: Unpacking public attitudes to independence’ with Professor John Curtice and Dr Jan Eichhorn. This is an occasional series of ScotCen/Institute of Governance morning briefings on public attitudes towards Scotland’s constitutional future. Each briefing focuses on public attitudes towards one of the key aspects of the […]

Ipsos MORI Poll: Unchanging But Different

18th September 2013 Comment The Scottish independence referendum

The Ipsos MORI poll that was originally expected to appear last night has now been published. It will doubtless raise the spirits of the No camp, but whether it should is less clear. The Yes vote is put at 31% while No are reckoned to be on 59%. That represents no less than a 28 […]

Could Devo Maxers Deliver Victory to Mr Salmond?

15th September 2013 Comment The Scottish independence referendum

Apart from asking people how they currently think they might vote next year, today’s ICM/ Scotland on Sunday poll also returns to an aspect of the role that the devolution max debate might play in determining the outcome of the independence referendum. This issue was first addressed by aYouGov/Devo Plus poll a fortnight ago. It […]

Is Devolution Keeping Britain Together or Driving It Apart?

10th September 2013 Comment Cross border attitudes How England should be governed Perceptions of government & the Union

According to Lord Robertson, Labour’s Shadow Scottish Secretary during the 1990s, introducing devolution would kill nationalism ‘stone dead’.  In contrast, his former backbench colleague, Tam Dalyell, argued it would prove to be a ‘slippery slope’ towards Scottish independence. With a referendum on Scottish independence due to be held in a year’s time, at the moment […]

Do Lord Ashcroft’s Polls Tell Us Anything New?

9th September 2013 Comment The Scottish independence referendum

One of the ways in which former Tory treasurer, Lord Ashcroft, spends his money these days is on commissioning his own polls and focus groups. Many of them, such as one he released last week on attitudes to immigration, are unusually big. Indeed they are sometimes big enough to permit robust comparison of attitudes in […]

Now the Don’t Knows Have It! New TNS-BMRB Poll

4th September 2013 Comment The Scottish independence referendum

What a week! And it is only half over! On Sunday YouGov told us that Scotland was swinging towards No. On Monday Panelbase advised us that the country was swinging decisively in the Yes camp’s direction.  And, now, what do we learn today from TNS-BMRB? – that far from swinging either Yes or No Scotland […]