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Full question: As you may know, the Scottish Parliament recently passed the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill. This changes the process for people to change their legal gender so they no longer need a doctor’s diagnosis, and reduces the time they need to have lived in their adopted gender from 2 years to 6 months. It also reduces the age limit for changing legal gender from 18 to 16. The UK government announced that it would block the Bill, saying it would significantly affect equalities law throughout the UK. Which of the following statements comes closest to your own view? I support the Gender Recognition Reform Bill, and the UK government is wrong to block it/ I support the Gender Recognition Reform Bill, but the UK government is within its rights to block it/ I oppose the Gender Recognition Reform Bill, and the UK government is right to block it/ I oppose the Gender Recognition Reform Bill, but the UK government is wrong to block it

All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll: