Full question: If there were a referendum on the future of Scotland within the UK, what conditions do you think should be met before it happens? Coronavirus has been completely eliminated in Scotland/Jobs and economic growth are back to where they were before Coronavirus/It is clearer whether Brexit will be good or bad for the UK in the long term/The Scottish Government has made clear what currency Scotland would use if it became an independent country/There is clarity on whether an independent Scotland would be able to join the EU/The UK has had a chance to reform its own constitution to change how Westminster works and give Scotland more powers/Ten years have passed since the last referendum on Scottish independence/None of the above
All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll:
Full question: If there were a referendum on the future of Scotland within the UK, what conditions do you think should be met before it happens? Coronavirus has been completely eliminated in Scotland/Jobs and economic growth are back to where they were before Coronavirus/It is clearer whether Brexit will be good or bad for the UK in the long term/The Scottish Government has made clear what currency Scotland would use if it became an independent country/There is clarity on whether an independent Scotland would be able to join the EU/The UK has had a chance to reform its own constitution to change how Westminster works and give Scotland more powers/Ten years have passed since the last referendum on Scottish independence/None of the above
All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll: