About these data

Information about the polls on this graph

Full question: Have you definitely decided to vote that way or might you change your mind? Base: All who said “Yes” or “No” to referendum voting intention question.

All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll:

Full question: Have you definitely decided to vote that way or might you change your mind? Base: All who said “Yes” or “No” to referendum voting intention question.

All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll:

Full question: Have you definitely decided to vote that way or might you change your mind? Base: All who said “Yes” or “No” to referendum voting intention question.

All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll:

Full question: Have you definitely decided to vote that way or might you change your mind? Base: All who said “Yes” or “No” to referendum voting intention question.

All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll:

Full question: Have you definitely decided to vote that way or might you change your mind? Base: All who said “Yes” or “No” to referendum voting intention question.

All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll:

Full question: Have you definitely decided to vote that way or might you change your mind? Base: All who said “Yes” or “No” to referendum voting intention question.

All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll:

Full question: Have you definitely decided to vote that way or might you change your mind? Base: All who said “Yes” or “No” to referendum voting intention question.

All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll:

Full question: Have you definitely decided to vote that way or might you change your mind? Base: All who said “Yes” or “No” to referendum voting intention question.

All questions relevant to this website that were asked on the same poll: